Hi ,
I'm using a MX68CW at home.
My wan speeds are 1G/1G on a fiber link.

I only have a couple vlans and no security features at all , so I should be maxed out by the Stateful firewall throughput of 600Mbps ( which is probably a safe value determined by Meraki and not really the limit of the hardware )
However , when doing multiple speed tests I can achieve speeds way higher than that :
Shaping 600/600

Shaping 599/599 ( maximum - 1 )

What is the highest value that you guys are hitting with a MX68 ?
Also the maximum of the trafic shapping slider is 600/600. Which I guess that if the slider is set to the maximum , it really means = unlimited and not a capped value like the dashboard shows.
That behavior is not mentioned in https://documentation.meraki.com/MX/Firewall_and_Traffic_Shaping/SD-WAN_and_Traffic_Shaping
Running MX.18.106. Same behavior seen on MX16.16
Thanks !