I have inherited an MX100 and MS350 switch infrastructure which is connect to two Cisco 1941 Routers from our ISP Lightpath. One of these router's speed is 500 MB and the other is 200 MB. I want to insure that our MX100 device is making full use of the available bandwidth.
There appears to be a technology in use here which I am unfamiliar with. Usually I would expect one router to be connected to port 1 (Internet) on the MX100 and the second router to be connected to port 2 on the MX100. This is not the case. See image below.
1941 router #1 is connected to Port 8 on MX100 and 1940 router #2 is connected to Port 9 on MX100.
Port 6 on MX100 has a short cable connecting to Port 1 on MX100 and Port 7 has a short cable connecting to Port 2 on MX100. It appears that a VLAN has been configured between the 4 ports labeled "VLAN 4049 (HSRP Switch)", DHCP is turned off for this VLAN.
The deliverable is that I want to insure that we are making full use of the bandwidth. Both WAN1 and WAN2 are configured for 1 GB. There is a primary WAN indicated in the Up-link Selection. I am assuming that I would want to have that set to the faster of the two routers. And if this is correct, I am not certain which router is associated with which address?
Any help in understanding what is going on would be greatly appreciated.