L3 Firewall hidden properties

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L3 Firewall hidden properties

When I check the Organization -> Change Log after updating the L3 firewall rules, I noticed that there seems to be saved three properties for each rule which is not available in the Security & SD-WAN -> Firewall page.


These properties are VLAN, logging and enabled.


How can I access and utilize these properties, if possible? It would be nice to be able to temporary enable/disable rules by a checkbox, and also making rules per VLAN.


Here is a screenshot of one rule:


...and here is the corresponding record in the Change Log:

{"Comment":"EVERYONE allow Teamviewer","Policy":"allow","Protocol":"any","Destination port":"Any","Destination IP":"*.teamviewer.com","Source port":"Any","Source IP":"Any","VLAN":"Any","logging":"false","enabled":"enabled"}

3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal

Sorry, I don't have an answer for you, but I am following this because I have noticed the same.  I manage many organizations and from time to time have noticed the options for rule logging and never quite understood why some show it and some don't.


I hadn't looked at this screen for a long time, but my home network is running an MX64 on the beta train and looks like this now:


Screen Shot 2020-12-16 at 12.01.58 PM.png



- Ex community all-star (⌐⊙_⊙)
Kind of a big deal

Whoa, that’s a new looking page. Just checked and mines still the ‘old style’. I’m running the MX15 (beta) firmware, but admittedly haven’t updated to 15.40 yet... 

Kind of a big deal

I'm at 15.38, but I have quite possibly had Meraki support enable some early release stuff on my home network that I use as a lab.  I don't recall anything specific to these settings, but consider this a preview of something to come, I guess.

- Ex community all-star (⌐⊙_⊙)
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