Dealing with Internet Provider problems

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Dealing with Internet Provider problems

Hello Everyone,


Lately I have ran into issues on the Internet Service Provider. How do you use Meraki to provide evidence of issues on the Internet Service Provider?



8 Replies 8
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

depends. what is the issue? and why is the isp the cause of this?

Kind of a big deal

Generally speaking, show latency trends, DNS issues, bandwidth trends, and uptime on the circuit.

Kind of a big deal

I have sometimes shared screenshots of the MX uplink tab showing packet loss, latency, etc.  Also even logs showing time stamps of WAN up/down.

- Ex community all-star (⌐⊙_⊙)
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I recently saw an article on reddit regarding troubleshooting a flapping wan link on a T1 circuit. They suggest a loopback jack.

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@rhbirkelund wrote:

I recently saw an article on reddit regarding troubleshooting a flapping wan link on a T1 circuit. They suggest a loopback jack.

I have had a T1 loopback plug on my keychain for over 20 years 😉


- Ex community all-star (⌐⊙_⊙)

In my limited experience I have never seen one, nor ever heard of it before.
But I just might make one, just for kicks. 😛
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I don't use it much these days since T1 is not as common.  It was very satisfying to use it when working with telco though.  They would try to tell me everything was wrong except their side.  Then I would plug the hard loopback plug in and ask them to test again.  If they said they still see errors I could tell them to fix it because they are basically looking in a mirror 🙂

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