What are you working on this week? 25th Nov

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

What are you working on this week? 25th Nov

This is just an idea I had where community members can share what interesting tasks or projects they might be working on this week. This idea might take off or it might flop so lets see how it goes.



I'll start, this week I have a bit of preperation for some major events my company has planned for next week. I am also writing up a job description for a new role I have to fill in 2020 and I am undertaking a review of our security policies and doing a bit of an audit.


Hardware wise there isn't much planned for this week but its only Monday so time will tell. 


6 Replies 6
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I'm thinking of starting this project:



I'm also thinking about an opinion piece for LinkedIn lementing the poor state of the Cisco Partner network (as opposed to Cisco Meraki), how the percentage of partners leading with Cisco solutions has nose dived; how many partners only sell Cisco on a transactional basis (aka if requested by the customer), and how Cisco Partners surveys don't reveal the extent of the issue because partners who are not "engaged" don't respond - distorting the results.

Kind of a big deal

This week I am working on getting one of the world's leading health research institutions and hospital to realise that their WiFi system is not only not fit for purpose but that it is a security risk, and getting in the way of delivering required services.


I have just walked past tens of millions of dollars worth of state of the art ray-gun style machines, yet the WiFI APs are krap (#Meraki London are you listening?) and belong on the Antiques Road Show. All IT management and support is "outsourced"

Robin St.Clair | Principal, Caithness Analytics | @uberseehandel
Building a reputation

Yesterday been busy with rounding off a proposal for a full network replacement at a customer.


Today, Tuesday and Friday pretty busy with a redesign of a complete network in a food factory.

Making it fully redundant ( a single 3750x as collapsed core atm 😭)  and upgrading from 100mbit to 1gbit access.

And in between going to the "Meraki Partner Roadshow" with a sales colleague tomorrow.


Pretty busy week.


oh, and btw. not unimportant, getting the week schedule finished for Cisco Live EU in January 😉 

Building a reputation

We are preparing to rollout 200+ mv cameras, access points and switches within a large aged care facility. Replacing all generic degraded systems with a standard meraki platform. this will be the customers second site now being upgraded with meraki with another 3 to go.


the kicker here is, all the MVs are going to be attached to the wifi network, pressure on.

Building a reputation

Currently refreshing our switching in about 40 buildings (schools and offices) with Meraki gear.  Somewhere around 400 switches total by the time we are done.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Working / learning further / pushing DUO

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