CMNA promotional Device License Renewal


CMNA promotional Device License Renewal



i would like to ask if i can still renew the licenses of my meraki devices that was given to cisco meraki when i earned my CMNA? this were meraki promotional devices. i have MR,MX and MS that needed license for it to be use.


thank you






1 Accepted Solution
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Sam78 -


Here's the latest official info about CMNA promo renewal:



Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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7 Replies 7
Head in the Cloud



yes you can. You should get an email 1? week before they expire, where you have to answer some questions.


There are some requirements:


Your Dashboard Organization needs to be compliant, so all devices need to be licensed. The licensing also needs to be active and not expired. Compliant Organizations are those which have a CMNA promo license key applied, have 12 or fewer applied licenses and have active/current licensing. The program will not renew non-compliant Orgs, or those that are partially licensed or expired.


See for full details


my meraki promotional device has ecpired a year ago.

my dashboard org is comlinat and so is my devices that meraki provided.

it just needs renewal from meraki side.


thank you

Meraki Alumni (Retired)
Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Hi svmayol!


Greenberet is 100% correct in this scenario and the link they provided will assist you further.


Let us know if you have other questions!



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I wonder how this end? 🤔 I need help to…. Today is my last day before grace period…. But I don’t get a response…. I saw a link that maybe my organization would apply for an auto renewal, but it seems I can’t achieve that, because still isn’t renewed, I sent an email to promo renewals, on April and today …. Does anyone go through this and make it ?


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Im glad to inform, that although I was on period grace, just 2 days, i send the email to this saturday when i see that my organization has not be auto renewed, today (monday) i got a notification that I'll be receiving an email with the confirmation order to renew the organization, and it came and now my organization is licensed to 2025 😁

New here

My licenses have always been renewed over the years since I passed the CMNA.  Whats the process for this year?  Is there any renewal courses we need to visit, or will it be case of send emails to 

I've got until October...

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Sam78 -


Here's the latest official info about CMNA promo renewal:



Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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