Our MX75, about 2.5 years in service auto updated 8 weeks ago. In process it failed and went amber and sat there. I unplugged and restarted. It worked for a few hours and failed again. reset again, called TechSup. and had them look at it. From back end it showed .211 but my web console showed .107. Factory reset back to 107. Then with TS did manual .211 update. It updated but MX failed again 12 hrs later, repower, works for some time period less than 24 hours. Three days later Call to TS again, download and send log from MX while in fail mode. Plugged direct into that console and select download. It would not download file, in 3 different browsers. Reset again downgraded turned off auto update. Did the update and downgrade 6 or 7 times, including factory reset.
Finally asked for a new MX75. Swapped MXs (from Meraki it was set at .107.) Was on line with TS to do the 211 upgrade, 16 hours later it failed, two more dances up and down. I now have an MX75 that cannot be manually or auto upgraded from .107. I am happy cuz it is running flawlessly for the past 4 days. Meraki TS has no idea and since log file won't download in that state they cannot help. They certainly have tried bit... Other steps done; new ComCast fiber/cable modem early in this process. Swapped in new cables tween modem, MX and switch.
Anyone else having this issue? Other things to check?