Tanium. Anybody ever successfully pushed this client to a Macbook with Meraki?

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Tanium. Anybody ever successfully pushed this client to a Macbook with Meraki?

We use a product called Tanium for asset management.  There is a macOS client and I would like to be able to push it to all macOS devices.

So far, i'm not having much luck. 


Anyone out there ever successfully done this?

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Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Have you seen: https://community.meraki.com/t5/Mobile-Device-Management/HOWTO-Package-files-scripts-and-apps-togeth...


The important thing is to ensure that you know the bundle ID for the macOS software, else SM will try to install repeatedly, because it will never know that it installed correctly (by design)


For Windows: https://community.meraki.com/t5/Mobile-Device-Management/HOWTO-Package-files-for-deployment-to-windo...



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Thanks for the link.  I've reviewed it and, while i'm reasonably proficient in terminal and was able to create a package, the install errors out.  I suspect it may be due to the fact that the Tanium client is not a silent install and you are prompted for permission to install by the macOS.


The normal command line installer runs a shell script that executes a PKG file.  It requires the presence of a .DAT file.


I tried the PList option putting both files in contents.  I tried creating a DMG that contained both files.


I'd been told by a Meraki engineer a long time ago that Meraki couldn't install a macOS app unless it was a silent install.

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Whilst this is true, if you're building your own packages, you may be able to accept prompts on the user's behalf.


This is a post install script I created a few years ago to install CaptureOne



mountPath="/Volumes/Capture One 12"

		spawn /usr/bin/hdiutil attach "$dmgPath" -nobrowse -quiet
		expect ":"
		send -- "G"
		expect ""
		send -- "\n"
		expect "Agree Y/N?"
		send -- Y\n"
		expect EOF

if [[ -e "$mountPath" ]]
		cp -r "$mountPath"/"Capture One 12.app" /Applications/"Capture One 12.app"

umount "$mountPath"

rm -rf "$dmgPath"

exit 0


You'll note that you can accept various prompts


I'd reach out to Tanium and ask for help here, but if you can get the prompting working you may be on the home straight

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Comes here often

Great info.  I fear you've exceeded my programming knowledg.  😋

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