Managed App Config iCloud

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Managed App Config iCloud

Is there a way to program MAC to disable iphone from using icloud for phone calls and messages. Our organization has all the phones on a single apple account and everyone is seeing each others call and text history and even voicemails. I am not sure what keys and values I need to disable the devices from using icloud.

2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal

You can Manage the iCloud via Meraki MDM, but i'm almost sure that is not possible to do what you want.


Removing Profiles and Apps from Managed Devices - Cisco Meraki Documentation

Activation Lock for Apple Devices - Cisco Meraki Documentation

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Meraki Employee All-Star

"Our organization has all the phones on a single apple account and everyone is seeing each others call and text history and even voicemails"


I really recommend you don't do this, you'll likely have the account deactivated as it goes against Apple's T&Cs. Instead, use Managed Apple IDs via Apple Business Manager.


"You can have 10 devices (no more than 5 computers) associated with your Apple ID for purchases at one time."

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