Payload Does Not Match the Old Payload - Apple certificate renewed before expiry date


Payload Does Not Match the Old Payload - Apple certificate renewed before expiry date



Meraki SM shows that some of my devices are not compliant because a certificate is outdated? The error message is "Payload Does Not Match the Old Payload" when I try to re-enroll the iPads. Our Apple certificate was renewed before the expiry date (Expiry date 03 August, renewed the Apple Push certificate on 02 August).


With over 500 iPads, factory reset isn't an option I'd like to explore.


Please help!



2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@CC88 : Check this thread, if it helps


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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

>Expiry date 03 August, renewed the Apple Push certificate on 02 August


That is cutting it fine!


I don't know the answer.


I wonder if this is a timezone issue.  For example, the certificate expiry is GMT, but the iPads are in a different timezone and an overlap of expiry time was created.


I'm hoping if you do nothing this will come right in 24 hours.

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