Meraki MDM deploying settings

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Meraki MDM deploying settings



Recently I had to create a new profile on Meraki with different settings to the previous one.


The 10 devices I have pushed this profile out to receive any changes made from the admin console but the other devices have stopped receiving any changes (webclips, apps etc.)


The "default profile" is installed on all 70 devices so not sure why majority of the devices have stopped picking up any admin console changes?

8 Replies 8
Kind of a big deal

Have you opened a support case with Meraki yet? If not, I suggest you open a support case.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Yes, just wanted to see if this was a common issue and if any potential solutions were known.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Did the profile include any changes to Wifi settings? If so its most likely the devices have lost wifi connectivity. 


Wifi settings should always have their own profile if you aren't doing that already.

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Hi Blake,


The profile didn't include any changes to the WiFi settings.


Kind regards.

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

So, there's a few things to check: As you mention web clips, I assume Apple devices?


1. APNS: Check that your APNS cert is still valid: Organisation > MDM

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 14.15.36.png

2. If that's all good, pick a device that you know to be good from the device list and click on it. Scroll down to Online Status : What's the status?

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 14.17.48.png


 3. Scroll down to your Activity log: when was the last time the device(s) checked in?


4. Go to Organisation > Change Log Have a look to see if any changes were made (especially around WiFi, as @BlakeRichardson mentioned )


Report back with your findings.

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Hi Paul,


The APNS cert is still valid, the online status of a device that is working properly seems to be fine, the last check in was today.


Below are the logs for a device that isn't picking up webclips or any changes for that matter.




Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

I see that the device hasn't checked in since the 1st of December

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If the issue occurred before that date will the check in still be relevant.

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