Hiding Unmanaged iOS Apps from Client Installed Apps list


Hiding Unmanaged iOS Apps from Client Installed Apps list

Hi All,


Is there a privacy setting similar to SSID and location tracking that will prevent the inventory and tracking of unmanaged iOS apps?

1 Accepted Solution
Kind of a big deal

@Chase From my knowledge that is not possible. The best I could say it to submit a wish. 

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4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi @Chase by tracking I am asusming you mean location services. If so and its enabled then then only way you could stop this is by disabling location services access to the unmanaged apps but this would mean setting this manually.


There is currently no way of automatically forcing what you want sorry.

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Hi @BlakeRichardson,


I appreciate the reply. My question pertains specifically to apps discovery and reporting. Currently SM reports on ALL applications installed on an iOS device, whether they were apps pushed and managed by SM or unmanaged/installed by the device owner. In the screenshot below, the top 7 apps listed were pushed to the device with SM, which is why i'm assuming we can force an update or removal, but the last three are apps the person installed on their own. We would like to be able to tell our employees that we do not have the ability to monitor the apps on their devices unless they were apps we explicitly pushed to their devices through SM. We have a BYOD setup and we're trying to maintain the strictest level of privacy we can around location and apps reporting. As a test, I turned off location services for "Yelp" and did an SM app refresh but Yelp still shows up as being installed. AppsList.PNG


Kind of a big deal

@Chase From my knowledge that is not possible. The best I could say it to submit a wish. 

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Hi @jared_f,


Thank you - will do.

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