As I have been testing our Mac management I wanted to enroll our devices with the MDM Profile and Meraki Agent to get full management capability. I found these two useful commands to install the profile and agent both at the same time. I just placed the profile and package in private/var via and installer and then used these two commands in a post install script to trigger it:
Just wanted to share if anybody else is looking to do something similar,
@jared_f Are you placing the .pkg in that location during a NetInstall process? Or are you using another image creation tool? I never had success getting System Image Utility to accept the .pkg (NetInstall would always fail following the OS install) so I'm currently using Munki to load the Meraki agent onto my Macs. Would love a more integrated process like this...
I'm using DEP, so I don't need the profile to be installed this way, just the agent...
I am currently deploying this via this package manually on each machine. Does DEP support the agent being installed OTA?
Apple does have an InstallApplication framework (and Jamf supports this with just a profile/DEP only) but Meraki is using this separate agent. Haven't figured out a way to install the agent via a profile, unfortunately 😞
When I had a trial of Jamf Pro I loved the Mac management. The only part that stopped me from purchasing and moving was the rudeness I experienced with my sales agent, it took four months to get a trial setup. Their healthcare team was great and I was ready to send over a PO, but they would not honor our first quote and increased the device minimum. They also charge a ridiclous ammount for a JumpStart.
Good news! Meraki has recently started a beta of this feature - deploying the agent and enrollment profile for macOS through DEP. Please reach out if you'd like to be a part of the beta 🙂
@Melissa I would be willing to beta this (any basically any other MDM feature lol)!
Would love to to be a part of the beta!
Just got a minute to try it out. Great updates... loving the ease of deployment for software. Maybe I can finally move to DEP enrollment with our Macs.
I would like to be part of this beta! Also do you have a roadmap somewhere so we can see which features are in the pipeline?
Hi everyone! Please hang tight on this beta program...I should have more to share soon.
Was there ever more information posted on this?
I'm looking for an update as well?
I see the followup note on this page , is this what was being beta tested?
The agent now supports automatic and remote installation through the Apps page, which does not requi...this article for more information
We are deploying Macs through DEP since August 18' and everything works fine, agent and profile are being installed OTA, you just need to add the agent to your Apps enrollment as described on the page posted by @PaulK