I am working on a script that will perform a ping test between every site/network in our organisation and return the results.
ping_result_response = requests.get(f"{MERAKI_API_URL}{ping_result_url}", headers=headers,
verify=f"{root_path}/Cisco Umbrella Root CA.crt")
ping_result_json = ping_result_response.json()
if ping_result_json['status'] == 'complete':
ping_result_json = ping_result_response.json()
However after I do the GET request I don't seem to get teh full results. This is an example
{'pingId': '000000000000000', 'url': '/devices/0000-0000-0000/liveTools/ping/00000000000000', 'request': {'serial': '0000-0000-0000', 'target': '', 'count': '3'}, 'status': 'complete', 'results': {'sent': 3, 'received': 3, 'loss': {'percentage': 0}}}
The results cut off without displaying the "latencies" or "replies" key/dictionary

Any ideas what the problem is?