I would like to post a kind of feature request here. Call it "improvement of graphs".
What bothers me is that some graphs are interpolated.
As an example: during a nightly outage of a MG21 (unfortunately, that happens now and then) one can see network traffic in the graph (that is obviously not here). Now that is quit clear, but it may be a really disturbing thing while troubleshooting a more complicated issue.
This is not only seen on MG graphs but also on other dashboard pages (switches, Accesspoints, MX's).

Besides this issue, regardless the selected time interval, graphs are calculated with the same amount of data. Most Meraki network usage graphs are far from detailed (even not in a 2 hour based interval), and perhaps better said: so undetailed they are almost unusable.
Graphs can be a great help to see anomalies and other issues, so I hope Meraki will improve the display of graphs to a real helpful level!
For the record: I'm writing this not to be angry or so, but in an attempt to get the Meraki life better for us all.
Greetings from Holland!