Devices removed from inventory

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Devices removed from inventory

Hello. In early January, I added 7 devices to my inventory. I bought devices online, they gave me codes, and I'm still waiting for units. I added the codes to make sure they work.
but today when I checked they disappeared. Now I sign in and it says to me that the inventory is empty. Where did my devices go? I'm attaching a screenshot of where they were added. If I try to add them again, it says that they are already in use. Help me how to fix this?





11 Replies 11
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Where did you buy the gear? I can see the serials are now in another customer's org.

New here

I bought them online, and when i claimed the devices to make sure they were unclaimed they added to my account. So I was happy with the purchase. Could you please tell me how it's possible that they got removed from my account and got attached to someone else's ?

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Online doesn’t mean they’re legit. I would open a Support case. You might also need to contact the seller. 

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi @AnnaB like @Ryan_Miles I can see the APs in another customer's Dashboard organization (actually two Orgs), as if they were never unclaimed from those Orgs, however they were never online or in use.  When you say they gave you the codes, do you mean the serial numbers, or maybe an order number and/or a license key?  And you say you claimed these 7 APs and they did in fact populate into your Organization > Inventory? 


If so, and you did not unclaim them yourself, nobody else would have been able to claim them, it would give the same error that the devices were "in use" because they're already claimed in your Org. 


You'll probably have to open a case with Meraki Support and the partner/reseller you purchased the APs through.  Meraki Support should be able to investigate the order history and if and how these APs were ever claimed into your Org and/or removed from your Org and how they ended up in another customer's Org.  

A model citizen

I thought a serial could be claimed (removed) from one org and into another if said serial was not assigned to a network??

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Correct, a full org admin can remove a device from a network and unclaim it from the org, at which point it could be re-claimed into another org, perhaps by a completely different full org admin. In this case it seemed like Anna claimed devices into an org and then somehow were no longer in the org, so trying to figure what went on and where these serials existed and when and how they were purchased to try to determine if some online 2nd hand seller was running a scam. 

A model citizen

Not to be pedantic, but I'll rephrase and ask my question @MerakiDave 


Org A had a device in inventory but not assigned to a network. Org B decides to claim said serial. The device will leave Org A and now be part of Org B.


Actually, I just tested it and it worked. I "stole" a device from one org and brought it into another. Granted I am an admin for both, but I was not sure if this was a requirement for this to work. It certainly did not require me to unclaim it.


I thought there was a discussion that the only thing which prevents a device being closed 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@Aaron_Wilson thats an extremely massive security flaw if thats correct. 

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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@BlakeRichardson I have always believed that what @Aaron_Wilson said is correct, that's why we have a network for spare devices that aren't in use...

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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@AnnaB Were the devices bough from a reseller or did you buy them secondhand?


I would be very wary about buying Meraki gear second hand. Hopefully support can help you and hopefully its not someone being dodgy. 

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Getting noticed

I want to bump this old post so I don't have to create a new one. I have been actively fighting this issue in the shadows for the past 18 months and got no where. 


I know Meraki states that we can create a second org and apply the devices to that org but I have found the following issues.


  1. MX's / Z require a new site per 2 devices (PIN4).
  2. Meraki support is giving mixed answers on this topic. Some state if you claim the device then your equipment is locked other support reps will quote the KB. I also have seen the sales team have mixed messaging on this topic as well.
  3. The disabled network email warning could cause a lot of unneeded questions within a company when using the inventory network.
  4. For companies that do not use APIs this process causes additional steps with inventory management by having to add or remove devices from one org to another.
  5. Installation documentation does not fully disclose the inventory process so there is an opportunity  


For Meraki if a percentage of your customer base is unaware of this "requirement" they are left open to having their equipment taken from right under them, then having to go through support or sale to try to recover the equipment. This process hurts the customer from a time and frustration point of view, and Meraki from a customer perception and relation. 


I will say other vendors that have similar systems will lock the equipment once the equipment is claimed, yet Meraki finds this solution to be better in some way.. I'm open to seeing that vision if there is a gain for me the customer.


Sorry for the small vent, but just wanted to float this out again.


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