What are "Accepted Solutions"?

Community Manager
Community Manager

What are "Accepted Solutions"?

After you ask a question or pose a topic for discussion in the Meraki Community, you can mark one of the replies as the "Accepted Solution". This (a) helps others in the community find the most relevant information more easily and (b) gives recognition to the author of the "Accepted Solution".


Threads that have an "Accepted Solution" are called out in the community with a checkmark: 

Threads that have been marked as "Solved" are indicated with a checkmarkThreads that have been marked as "Solved" are indicated with a checkmark



When you're on the thread itself, it's easy to access the "Accepted solution" - it's displayed at the top of all the replies. You can also see the solution in the context of the full thread by clicking "View solution in original post"


The reply that has been marked as the solution is displayed above the other repliesThe reply that has been marked as the solution is displayed above the other replies



So, next time you ask a question and it receives a great response, help out the community by marking that response as the Accepted Solution.



EDIT: 31 Aug 2024: Updating with new images reflecting our redesigned site.

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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3 Replies 3
Getting noticed

I think that is a great idea.  Smiley Happy

Here to help

great idea!

Getting noticed

good initiative

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