MDM client on iphone - app list constantnly shows UPDATE even after updating

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MDM client on iphone - app list constantnly shows UPDATE even after updating

MDM client on iphone - app list constantnly shows UPDATE even after updating

I would have assumed that selecting update would either update the selected app, or register the fact no update is available:  and therefore remove the Update option...

Is this anyone else's experience ?

Thank you





2 Replies 2
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee


If its a managed device and you can install apps silently on it clicking the update button will tell the device to go update this app. If it is a non managed device the user would get prompted to update the app. If the app fails to update for any reason whether the device doesn't have connection to SM, the user declined the prompt, etc if it fails for any reason the update button will remain there. You can get more information around the update status on the device details page under the activity section.

Knowledge is power
Kind of a big deal


I get asked about this "update" feature myself. I've explained to my users that what the update actually does is checks with the App Store to verify if it is on the latest version of the app. If it is not, then it downloads the updated app. I think most people see the word update and just assume it means the app needs updated not that it's an option to check for an update which more appropriately describes the functionality. 

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