New Employee supporting Meraki Products!

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New Employee supporting Meraki Products!

Hello all, 


Meraki has given me the opportunity to support their users remotely! I’ve always loved the message that Cisco Meraki exudes—it is truly a dream come true to be able to be sport of something great.


I’m hoping that I can become an official part of the Merakian community and learn with each other along our journey! Go team!

5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal

@securingnimbu5 : welcome to the community!

Cisco Awarded Blogs 2020/2021
Here to help

Thank you so much Inderdeep Singh! 

Kind of a big deal

@securingnimbu5 : Always welcome !

Cisco Awarded Blogs 2020/2021
Here to help

Bienvenido, vamos adelante!!!!  Welcome, let's gooooo!!!!!

Building a reputation

Welcome 🍻

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