Recognizing September’s Members of the Month

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

We are so excited to announce two new badges to recognize our "Rising Star" and "Unexpected Win" Members of the Month!






The Rising Star

The Rising Star award recognizes our top new contributor. To achieve this award, you must fulfill BOTH of the below criteria:


  • Joined within the past 3 months
  • Written the most posts in that time compared to your fellow new users


This month’s Rising Star is user @CBurkhead! In the 3 months since he joined, @CBurkhead has already written 48 posts and had 4 posts marked as solutions.


Asset 7.png




Thank you for your contributions — we are so glad to have you!


The Unexpected Win

This acknowledgement allows us to highlight the actions of a member whose contributions this month created a win for everyone involved.


This month, we’re featuring @Network-dad, who had a great week at ECMS2 and even learned something that helped out @amarquez2: a great way to streamline importing ASA configs to your MX.


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The Top Four

Here, we congratulate our top four contributors of the month, based on the number of kudos they’ve received and accepted solutions they’ve authored. This month these amazing members provided the community with a total of 34 solutions and received a total of 471 kudos for their efforts. Way to go!


NolanHerring MOTM.png

175 kudos

12 solutions

MOTM score: 199  

PhilipDAth's profile picture with MOTM banner

160 kudos

14 solutions

MOTM score: 188 

jdsilva's profile picture with MOTM banner

81 kudos

1 solution

MOTM score: 83



55 kudos

7 solutions

MOTM score: 65

(MOTM score = kudos received + 2*solutions authored)


Congratulations to all of our stellar contributors

 and thanks to everyone who participated on the community in September!



If you come across a truly helpful thread, or a post that’s teeming with positivity and you’d like to nominate the author for The Unexpected Win, you can submit your nomination here.


Kind of a big deal

Wahoo @NolanHerring , you did it!


And well done @Network-dad and @CBurkhead .

Kind of a big deal

Well deserved @CBurkhead and @Network-dad ! Keep the great posts coming!


Well done @NolanHerring on taking the top spot. Definitely a crazy effort from you this month. 


@PhilipDAth @BrechtSchamp damn fine job as always 🙂

Kind of a big deal

Oh snap thanks guys!!  That was a surprise lol, I thought it was going to be @PhilipDAth 


Way to go @CBurkhead and @Network-dad  , glad to have more contributors 😃

Kind of a big deal

Well done guys, strong effort @NolanHerring and well done to @CBurkhead  and @Network-dad 


Great to see the community thriving!

Kind of a big deal

Wow @NolanHerring . Amazing effort there bud! Beating even @PhilipDAth 's bot (just kidding, gratz as always mate). @jdsilva I guess it was snowing kudos for you, gratz ❄️❄️.


@CBurkhead , well deserved, I saw great posts from you!


@Network-dad congrats on the new badge! And on your ECMS2!


@BlakeRichardson and @Nash , I thought I wasn't going to make it. I think it was a close call. Great jobs from you guys too!


Kind of a big deal

@BrechtSchamp, I spent ECMS2 hanging out with @Network-dad and absolutely ignored the forums last week... I was so tired. 🤣 Bugging him into hanging around more was just exhausting.


Congratulations, everyone!

Kind of a big deal

Congrats @BrechtSchamp @NolanHerring @jdsilva @PhilipDAth for MOTM and always providing support for the community. @CBurkhead for the Rising 

@Network-dad whom I personally met and is a great dude. Good job everyone.

A model citizen

Finally got a chance to get back on the forum today and this is so amazing!  I'm so glad to help out and thank you, everyone. It was so cool to meet @kYutobi @Nash and look forward to helping build this wonderful community! 

Building a reputation
I had no idea that I had made that many posts! Congratulations to the other winners. Hopefully, I can continue to help other members of the forum.
Kind of a big deal

Thanks for the snazzy new shirt!


