Community Platform Update: Sticky nav, kudos button change, bug fixes

Community Manager

Hello, all!


We continue to make adjustments to our redesigned community based on your feedback (and the feedback of our UX team). Here are the latest:


Most noticeable changes:

  • Sticky left nav & header
  • Kudos button change


Minor fixes:

  • Replies: Odd placement of “i” on when replies auto-save
  • Header: Sometimes swaps to Meraki Go header
  • Header: Notification count indicator should be a link
  • Left nav: Doesn’t always remember collapsed state
  • Learning Hub: Title should be outside white box
  • PM Inbox: Make private message UI more usable on mobile (adjust padding)
  • Technical Forums page: Forum titles don’t appear clickable


I’ll spare you the details of the minor fixes, but here is a bit of info on the two most noticeable changes:


Sticky left nav & header

Previously, as you scrolled down the page, the header & left nav stayed in place, which required scrolling back to the top to access them. Now the header & left nav are shown no matter how far down you scroll, for easy reference and navigation.


Note: When in a very narrow window, such as on a mobile device, the header and left nav are NOT sticky.


Kudos button change

The kudos button is now just the kudo icon (“up” arrow in a circle), without the extra box around it. The button is now gray by default (when you haven’t yet given kudos) instead of blue. This makes the kudoed / unkudoed state more obvious and also reduces visual clutter.


Previously Now









As always, please let us know any feedback in the comments below.

Getting noticed

Thanks so much for the update, it is appreciated.

Kind of a big deal

>Sticky left nav & header


Go to this post:

And then click on the image.  The left NAV partially obscures the image and makes it hard to read the TXT on the image.

Community Manager

@PhilipDAth - thank you for the report! This should be fixed now. Please let me know if you continue to see problems.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Definitely like both the new changes, now can we please have the text a bit more wider in posts...



This is on a FHD 27" screen with the browser set to the default 125%  If I change to 100% then the text only fills about half the space, but I can understand that might get a bit too wide.

Community Manager

@cmr Thanks for the feedback! The content width is limited on purpose to improve readability (when lines of text get too long they are hard to read) - but it may be that we have limited it too much. Will discuss further internally - feedback like this is helpful in those discussions!

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Thanks @CarolineS 😎

Kind of a big deal

looks good 


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