can we use ip on interface vlan to register meraki dashboard


can we use ip on interface vlan to register meraki dashboard

can we ip on interface vlan to register meraki dashboard

i have connect MS425 x 2 (stack) with Fortinet 200F

Firewall >> route port >>> interface vlan 1 << MS425


and MS425 have vlan 30 ip interface for management /24. now we connect 3 access switch (MS120) that use vlan 30 for managment it's work fined. for the core switch MS425 that have interface on vlan30 , i try to set ip of the switch is vlan 30. its can not register on meraki dashboard. but we change ip of the MS425 to vlan1 and 252 for the stack switch it can register on meraki dashboard.


can we use ip of vlan 30 on ms425 that core switch connected with fortigate fg200f to register meraki cloud (switch)


i want  to use the same vlan of ms425 and access switch in vlan 30 to register on meraki dashboard. is it possible









3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

This worked years ago, but afaik they disabled it,  it cant point to its own vlan interface anymore. If your ms425 vlan/routing engine is bugged, or you made a route config error you couldn't connect to the cloud anymore.


The recommended way is to move the vlan30(svi or subinterface) to the fortigate, then trunk that interface to your ms425 and ms120. So all switches can reach the gateway ip on layer2

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

The core switches will need to use as their default gateway.


thank you for your suggestion. i try to do sub-svi on fortigate but it's didn't work too.

it work only vlan 10 for wan connectivity from the switch. for vlan 30 not working.


is it bug from meraki.i open the case tac said

The management IP for a switch (stack) performing L3 routing cannot have the gateway pointed to one of its own L3 interfaces as it will not be able to check in using the assigned management IP when the gateway is pointed to itself. For example, if is one of the L3 interfaces on a switch (stack), you cannot have as the gateway for its management IP (Switching > Switches > LAN IP).

ref :

is it limitation fo meraki product. i have use cisco catalyst 3850 it's work fine.




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