UPDATE: This entry was the Meraki Choice Prize winner! Here's the announcement. Congratulations, vicapelli! 🎉
The SD-WAN solution is like our cardiovascular system, of course working in a simpler way.
We consider that the Human Body is the company, the Heart is the Headquarter , the system of veins and arteries is the internet links, the organs are the branches and the brain is the cloud.
The image below represents well:
The company - The Human Body
Now the explanation of each of them:
The Heart = The Headquarter
The headquarter
The Heart is the main part of the system that pumps blood through the veins and arteries, it is the Headquarter of a company, there are all the important parts of the company and it needs to have communication with all the other parts of the human body / company.
The Blood = Data for transportation
The Blood that is the material to be transported with all the necessary content for the vital functioning of all parts of the body, is the data transported between Headquarter / Branch and Cloud.
The Veins and Arteries = Internet Links and MPLS
blood in the vein / artery - the data passing through the link
The veins and arteries that have the role of carrying the blood to the various parts of the body are the internet links that carry and bring the information necessary for the operation of the whole company without this communication the company / human body does not survive.
The organs = The branches The organs - the branches
The organs, which have important functions in the human body, each in its particular function, but which all work together with the heart are the company branches.
The Brain = The Cloud
The brain - the cloud
The Brain that has all the control and orchestration of the whole organism and the control of the human body is the Cloud, where it has several applications and a series of information essential for the operation of the company, in it is also the management system of Meraki one can not be without communication with the brain (although Meraki works without this communication)
How its work?
The heart without communication with the organs
On the whole system: the Heart (Headquarter) must have communication at all times with the Brain (Cloud) and with the organs (branches), correct? one depends on the other in this system. Imagine if we had just a vein / arteries being used to carry blood between these points and it failed? What would happen? Some of the organs would begin to fail, and consequently would lead to a breakdown in the entire organism that could lead to death. The same thing would happen to the company without a subsidiary, we need a way for this system cannot fail.
The SD-WAN System - The redundancies
The redundant way
Now, our "SD-WAN" that solves this problem, it guarantees that the heart and the organs receive the blood with the redundancy of the veins / arteries (internet links) and maintain the communication with the Cloud, and in case some path fails , all the blood is directed to the other. In addition we have a third redundancy and the option to choose the shortest route to reach the destination, being chosen intelligently by our system. This is how the Meraki SD-WAN works.
And remember to buy meraki for your company not to die
UPDATE: This entry was the Meraki Choice Prize winner! Here's the announcement. Congratulations, vicapelli! 🎉
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