Hey There, I'm working with a client who has a relatively simple design on paper, but is proving to be fairly difficult to design with Meraki, I wondered if anyone had any creative ideas on this. Here's the situation. Client has two separate Locations, each with their own internet connection. The two locations are also connected with a dedicated fiber run between each location. One of the locations has an MX64, the other has an MX68- so Warm spare is out. Each location has MS250 switches in their core, where the fiber between locations connect. We are running OSPF on the MS250's between the two locations for routing. The location with the MX68 will have a substantially faster internet connection and we would want for it to be the primary way out to the internet most of the time. However, in the event of a failure, they would like automatic failover of both locations to redirect traffic to the alternate ISP at the other location. With traditional cisco gear I would accomplish this with a couple of floating static routes and some SLA tracking, but Meraki switches don't support host status monitoring for a route, and MX's don't advertise any routes into OSPF other than their VPN connections. I'm trying to come up with some creative solutions here, but am coming up short. Any ideas? Thanks!
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