I searched around so I don't think this has been posted before. Our end goal is to prevent users from being able to wipe their IOS devices using iCloud. We're preventing that by using DEP, supervising the device, and preventing "Account Modification". However, we've noticed some problems doing so. For one thing, Exchange users won't be able to update their passwords. Our workaround for that has been to push out the Outlook and OWA apps instead. But the problem that seems to have no workaround is that users can't purchase any items from the iTunes store. Since account modification prevents adding accounts, we've preloaded their accounts onto the phones before locking down account modification. However, in IOS 11 devices, trying to purchase anything that isn't free just times out. It seems that the setting to "not require a passcode for free items" allows users to download Apps. But if the item costs money and they need to punch in their password, nothing happens. The app just doesn't download. I've removed the setting to prevent account modification and then it works just fine. So what I'm hoping for is: 1. Is there a way to prevent iCloud wipes without using the "Prevent Account Modifiy" setting? or 2. Is there a workaround to allow users to download Apps in spite of that setting? Any help would be appreciated.
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