@MacuserJim Nah, I don't think there's a big concern from the description. @smccloud wrote: We do not have any group policies defined at all. If I can accomplish what I want to that way, I can look there too. Unfortunately, the machines I have uploading to Backblaze do not show up in the clients list. Not sure if its due to how our network is setup (VLAN1 runs to a HP ProCurve which then does the rest of the VLANs, and VLAN 20 is a DMZ vlan which runs to a dumb switch). I take that to mean that the ProCurve is the gateway for those VLANs, meaning the MX doesn't see the MACs of the clients, only the IP's @smccloud likely just needs to change the Client Tracking setting on the MX. Unless I'm interpreting that incorrectly?
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