If you have an existing MX84 and want to add a second device, running warm spare, you have to have a second MX84. You cannot run warm spare between dissimilar MX models (this includes, for example, MX67 and MX67C). https://documentation.meraki.com/MX/Deployment_Guides/MX_Warm_Spare_-_High_Availability_Pair If you are routing between your three sites (i.e. you have a different IP subnet or group of subnets per site) then you will have a challenge here, from using MS225 switches; while they support IP routing at layer-3, they do not support a dynamic routing protocol such as OSPF, which is supported by MS250 and higher. If this were a green-field deployment I'd recommend a pair of MS250 switches (at least) per site, with each operating as a stack and OSPF then running between the three stacks. You'd then have a static default route on the Site 1 stack pointing at the Virtual IP address of the upstream MX warm spare pair. If you are running the three sites as a flat subnet you would use Spanning Tree, with the Site 1 stack as the STP Root bridge. You may need to check that the VPLS service will carry STP frames (BPDUs) to ensure this works properly. This would, in principle, work with MS225. Note that such a setup would block one of the links, meaning Site 2 <-> Site 3 traffic would hairpin via Site 1. https://documentation.meraki.com/MS/Port_and_VLAN_Configuration/Spanning_Tree_Protocol_(STP)_Overview
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