Community Record
Apr 22 2019
12:56 PM
@Ensposito Not currently, but your request is noted! We’ll pass it on to the team that manages our merchandise program.
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Apr 22 2019
11:00 AM
27 Kudos
We want to hear from you! Everyone who responds to the survey below will be entered into a drawing to win one of four Cisco Meraki baseball caps.*
The survey closes on Friday, April 26th, at 3pm Pacific. Please submit your feedback today!
UPDATE: The survey closed on Friday, April 26th at 3pm PDT. We drew 4 names out of the hat to win.. hats.
Congratulations to @Buya , @chrisJK , @scottspeckman , and @HarryVorTechs — expect an email from me to confirm shipping details. Thank you for all of the excellent feedback, everyone!
* Terms, conditions, & eligibility information
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Apr 19 2019
11:09 AM
6 Kudos
Wow! So many of you have been earning points that we couldn't quite fit everyone in Part 1 of this week's roundup. Therefore, we needed an additional post for Tiers 2 and 3. If you're tagged here, head on over to Part 1 to hear about the latest addition to your prizes.
Members who reached Tier 2 by achieving 100 points:
@ww @beks88 @Dudleydogg @rburch @Priesty @Nash @charles07 @BrandonS @DN @MMoss @cta102 @redsector @ASA-FTD @Haydn @GIdenJoe @Niklas2
Members who reached Tier 3 by achieving 200 points:
@PhilipDAth @BrechtSchamp @NolanHerring @jdsilva @Nick @kYutobi @BlakeRichardson @MarcP @tantony @GuilhermeMacedo @Cmiller
Congrats everyone!!
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Apr 19 2019
11:09 AM
9 Kudos
It's the end of week 3 and time for another progress report on our month-long Points Contest! So many of you have qualified by this point that we needed to split the roundup into two parts. Way to go! Tier 1 is listed below and Tiers 2 and 3 are announced here.
This week, we're excited to reveal yet another prize for all contest entrants — a shiny NEW BADGE:
To recap, if you are tagged in Tier 1 below or in Tiers 2 and 3 in Part 2 of this roundup, you’ve achieved: an entry into a drawing to win your tier’s prize, an entry to win the Grand Prize of an MV-12, AND at the end of the contest, you'll be awarded the Points Contest badge in recognition of your stellar contributions throughout this month.
Members who reached Tier 1 by achieving 30 points:
@JimL @route_map @PeterJames @arekdreyer @Bleeps77 @vassallon @TBisel @GabrielVianna @kami @xandurr @Kevin1 @ASheppard970 @AStoddard @DHAnderson @deesloop @PGP @nuo @cirizan @Joseph @pcteechur @Richard_W @nst1 @msosa @KaylaEik @HodyCrouch @nvrdone @VincentPanico @BCNetworkTeam @DonAnnett @GreenRhino @pgrovesnz @CraigCummings @francktls @AdamSedar @AFranco @JuanPabloMx @mdertinger @Pugmiester @VictorWise @harrys @Heerscher @MJW @ReformIT @dgomezny @GavinW @KMNEP @Autumn @David62301 @Mr_IT_Guy @rcarmack @SFog @Ward @bk10233 @jvielma @Roska @suprimir @Cleytonsc @Welles @Merakibgp @NJacobe @Francis @stevenwhiting @Adam @Arleen @fxroche3 @Set753 @Slider @superfly @svetlinski @nikiwaibel @Rafaetero @Ritchie @Andreas_Becher @Ben @ElCid1989 @Guillaume6hat @Karla @Nove_Lupo @Phil_Cooke @Aaron_Wilson @SKatMTA @Todd_Z @BradMac @ham737 @PaulG @AbidJr @dalmiroy2k @Dammyfaruq @jchang @Anonymous @NordOps @RaphaelL @Tylerjuz
Congrats to everyone who has reached Tier 1 and remember: now there are only 11 days left to earn points!
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Apr 19 2019
7:40 AM
3 Kudos
Congrats, @Hashtag on finding the 4th and final egg!
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Apr 19 2019
7:29 AM
2 Kudos
Clue #4, in honor of national haiku day on Wednesday:
Our final egg waits It will take thirty sunsets They’re 4 film…haiku!
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Apr 19 2019
7:24 AM
1 Kudo
Thanks for reporting this, I am alerting my colleague.
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Apr 18 2019
3:36 PM
1 Kudo
Congrats, @vassallon on finding the 3rd egg! Egg 4 will be announced at a different time tomorrow, so stay tuned!
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Apr 18 2019
2:44 PM
3 Kudos
Clue #3:
Our third egg was pitched, by a witch, to a ditch, Within which a new VLAN hitch, it appears, is the sitch’
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Apr 17 2019
2:27 PM
3 Kudos
Time for clue #2! Remember, the first person to reply to the thread containing the egg will be the winner.
Our next egg is hidden in a place most secure and tall,
Where beginners can learn the ways of the great burning wall.
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Apr 16 2019
1:38 PM
3 Kudos
Thanks everyone for playing, stay tuned for a new clue to posted at a different time tomorrow. Blocking new comments for now!
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Apr 16 2019
11:17 AM
2 Kudos
@JimL you are correct!The rules state that the first person to write "EGG FOUND" on the post containing the actual egg is the winner. Any posts on this announcement do not count. Fortunately, this round our winner was first to post in both 🙂 Congrats @VincentPanico!
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Apr 16 2019
11:00 AM
34 Kudos
We’re feeling egg-static about our latest Community contest — a virtual Easter Egg Hunt!
Our gnomes have been gleefully scattering Easter eggs around the community and it’s up to you to find them. Simply be the first to reply to a post containing an Easter egg with “EGG FOUND!” and we’ll exchange that egg for an eggs-uisite Meraki gnome.
The eggs you’ll be hunting are these beauties below:
Each egg-finder will win a gnome of their very own:
If you’re interested in following this contest and receiving updates as soon as new clues are released, be sure to subscribe to the comments on this blog post by clicking “Options” and “Subscribe.”
Your first clue:
This egg can be found in a W-himsical LANd of great import,
Where one fellow asks "how many devices can one truly support?"
Egg one has been found by @VincentPanico! Congrats Vincent, everyone stayed tuned for our next clue tomorrow. Looks like we'll need to make this next one a bit more difficult 🙂
Your second clue:
Our next egg is hidden in a place most secure and tall, Where beginners can learn the ways of the great burning wall
Egg two has been found by @JimL ! Congrats Jim, everyone stayed tuned for our next clue tomorrow. Expect a new time and increased difficulty!
Your third clue:
Our third egg was pitched, by a witch, to a ditch, Within which a new VLAN hitch, it appears, is the sitch’
Egg three has been found by @vassallon, congrats! Everyone stayed tuned for our FINAL clue tomorrow.
Your fourth clue:
Our final egg waits It will take thirty sunsets They’re 4 film…haiku!
Egg four has been found by @Hashtag! Thanks to everyone who joined the hunt and congratulations to all of our gnome winners!
🐇Grab your baskets and happy hunting!🐇
The fine print:
Egg Hunt will last from Tuesday, April 16th 2019 at 11am PDT through Tuesday, April 23rd at 11am PDT
One egg per community member
Full terms, conditions, and eligibility information
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Apr 16 2019
9:24 AM
@msosa your prize is 2 minutes of fame and glory of course! 😛
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Apr 15 2019
2:44 PM
Thanks for the suggestion, Philip!
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Apr 12 2019
10:58 AM
12 Kudos
Well, we're already halfway through our month-long Points Contest!
If you are tagged in any of the tiers below, you’ve achieved entry into both a drawing to win your tier’s prize AND a drawing to win the Grand Prize of an MV-12.
Members who reached Tier 1 by achieving 30 points:
@Haydn @redsector @DN @xandurr @arekdreyer @AStoddard @MMoss @GabrielVianna @ASA-FTD @Kevin1 @ww @Cmiller @Nash @HodyCrouch @KaylaEik @nuo @BCNetworkTeam @ASheppard970 @Niklas2 @JuanPabloMx @Bleeps77 @PeterJames @Joseph @harrys @msosa @deesloop @DHAnderson @KMNEP @Ward @Welles @kami @Merakibgp @TBisel @NJacobe @cta102 @pcteechur @svetlinski @tantony @nst1 @Ritchie @Rafaetero @Heerscher @Roska @Phil_Cooke @Nove_Lupo @SKatMTA @Cleytonsc @GreenRhino @ham737 @NordOps @Anonymous @Dammyfaruq @AbidJr
Members who reached Tier 2 by achieving 100 points:
@MarcP @rburch @GuilhermeMacedo @beks88 @charles07 @BrandonS @Priesty @Dudleydogg
Members who reached Tier 3 by achieving 200 points:
@BrechtSchamp @PhilipDAth @NolanHerring @jdsilva @Nick @BlakeRichardson @kYutobi
Congrats to everyone who has qualified or moved up a tier — we've more than doubled the number of entrants since last week!
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Apr 11 2019
3:00 PM
3 Kudos
To all contest entrants - if you want your entry to be made public over in the Meraki in the wild thread, let me know. There were a lot of great entries this round!
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Apr 11 2019
1:15 PM
11 Kudos
Congratulations to @msosa , the winner of our most recent photo contest. The theme was "Meraki in the Wild," and we thought this photo of an MV in paradise really captured it!
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Apr 11 2019
11:18 AM
1 Kudo
@PhilipDAth You read our minds! We've been preparing to launch a new monthly Member Spotlight and you totally called it.
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Apr 11 2019
11:00 AM
12 Kudos
Here at Meraki, we have a LOT of appreciation for our community members. Truly, we wouldn’t have such an active and helpful community without you (and it’d be pretty lonely). But the value of your contributions can’t always be quantified by kudos or solutions, and we feel that this shouldn’t prevent you from receiving some well-deserved recognition.
So, starting today, we are instituting the monthly Member Spotlight! Every month, we’ll feature a member who has recently been contributing in a noteworthy way, be it through a highly kudoed post, an increased number of solutions authored, or even through recommendations from your peers.
For our first Member Spotlight, we chose to recognize @Nick. His contributions to the community have skyrocketed 🚀 recently, and we thought he’d be the perfect candidate to kick this off! In just the past month, Nick has received 60 kudos, written 128 replies, and authored his first two official solutions.
Congrats Nick!
Tell us a little bit about your background.
I started breaking computers at a very early age. I was always interested in them, specifically the Mac environment. While I looked at careers I fell into IT! I specialise in Enterprise Apple, storage and networking. Networking is the newest area but the one I'm most interested in with the advent of Meraki that really pulled my interest. Using Meraki makes building and managing networks a pleasant thing to do.
What’s your favorite thing about participating in the community?
I really enjoy three things about the community the most. The wide range of diverse questions and setups (which leads to a greater understanding of what you can do!), the humour and how friendly and willing to help people are. We all clearly love Meraki products and what they bring us, so it seems we're all happy to help others who are on the same path as us.
Is there any particular Meraki product / feature that you’re particularly fond of or couldn’t live without?
That is a difficult one... There are quite a few really. I'd have to summarise and say The Dashboard. Being able to see things so clearly, run tests in the same tab, have unparalleled visibility on the network. Then hop to another network in seconds. Can't go back to the old way now. One particular shout out for being able to locate the switch port by plugging in and hitting the interface of an MS unit. That has saved lots of time when taking over old unloved sites. Also... aluminium finish. Keep it! Just standardise all the power lights to be white please!
What’s your advice to folks looking to move to the next level in their Meraki / networking knowledge?
Really, as potentially boring as it sounds: read the documentation at — it’s very good. Once you've done that, just get in there and start making things happen. A lot of Meraki's power is its simplicity, how it turns difficult jobs into a click and working situation.
Thanks, Nick!
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Apr 9 2019
11:29 AM
1 Kudo
Friendly reminder that there's only one day left to submit photos for this contest!
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Apr 9 2019
11:28 AM
4 Kudos
There's only one day left to submit your "Meraki in the Wild" photo for a chance to have it featured in April 11th's Meraki Quarterly Webinar.
Submissions end at 12 pm PDT Wednesday April 10th, so share your photos on the announcement post now!
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Apr 5 2019
3:27 PM
4 Kudos
@PhilipDAth There aren't tiers high enough to measure my contributions 😛
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Apr 5 2019
11:34 AM
2 Kudos
Check out this week's points roundup for an update on your progress!
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Apr 5 2019
11:32 AM
17 Kudos
It’s the end of week 1 of our month-long Points Contest and time for our first Tier update.
Already, over 30 of you have qualified for entry to win one of our dazzling swag prizes! If you are tagged in any of the tiers below, you’ve achieved entry into both a drawing to win your tier’s prize AND a drawing to win the Grand Prize of an MV-12.
Members who reached Tier 1 by achieving 30 points:
@MarcP @GuilhermeMacedo @arekdreyer @AStoddard @DN @beks88 @kYutobi @Kevin1 @nuo @redsector @KaylaEik @Niklas2 @GabrielVianna @MMoss @xandurr @PeterJames @harrys @BrandonS @KMNEP @Welles @BCNetworkTeam @Ritchie @charles07 @Bleeps77 @Priesty @Cmiller @Anonymous
Members who reached Tier 2 by achieving 100 points:
@BlakeRichardson @Nick
Members who reached Tier 3 by achieving 200 points:
@BrechtSchamp @PhilipDAth @NolanHerring @jdsilva
Congrats to everyone who has qualified so far. Remember, there are still 27 days left to earn points and increase your chances of winning a prize!
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Kudos given to
My Accepted Solutions
Subject | Views | Posted |
3537 | Dec 9 2022 9:54 AM | |
1818 | Sep 14 2022 10:20 AM | |
2830 | Jul 6 2020 8:30 AM | |
4860 | Dec 10 2019 4:31 PM | |
4547 | Nov 20 2019 12:24 PM |
My Top Kudoed Posts
Subject | Kudos | Views |
137 | 53120 | |
102 | 242570 | |
85 | 151650 | |
81 | 20789 | |
70 | 3912 |