Hi We have a number of Z3's across our estate. These appliances are in locations where we have 1 or 2 users. Utilisation on the network is low, we generally see max 2/3mb usage. We have noticed that when using real time conference software - Zoom and TEAMs, the audio quality and image is really poor, it lags, pixelates, there's a delay and often the session completely drops. If we replace the Z3 with an MX68 the quality is far superior. The challenge I have is that as these are small sites, with well under 100mb of traffic I hoped the Z3 would be sufficient, however there is definitely a drop in quality on real time apps when used. The appliance are close to 8 years old, im guessing they are just no longer upto the job of modern day comms? Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Not sure what else to do other than plan to replace the Z3s?
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