Surface Pro 9 - wireless issues

Getting noticed

Surface Pro 9 - wireless issues



We utilise MR42 APs running firmware 29.4.1


We have an issue with new MS Surface Pro 9 endpoints. When roaming around the office the endpoint drops off the network. We have to disable the wireless NIC and re-enable it to return service. Only Surface Pro 9 endpoints are affected.


Im struggling to see anything in the Meraki Dashboard that assists. We checked the event log for when the issue occurred and identified a Event 7021 Netwtw 10 error 

Has anyone seen anything like this previously?




9 Replies 9
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

I'd consider trying a few things:
Check your Surface is running the very latest recommended drivers for the wifi chipset installed (not just via Windows update).

Try upgrading the MR access points to 29.5.1

and then maybe try disabling client balancing (if it's enabled) if that makes no difference.


Either way - raise a case with Support, if you didn't already - preferably over the phone, with a recently affected client to hand - and undertake some in-depth testing with the engineer.   Such things are difficult to investigate without details to nail the issue down. 

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I second the client load balancing, depending on the environment.  If you have an open space with quite a bit of overlap, this setting seems to cause more problems than it solves.

Getting noticed

please report when fixed as we are having surface 9's too on short term.

Getting noticed

are you having the same issue?

Getting noticed

No we will be having surface 9's in a few weeks that is why i am curious.
Getting noticed

Following testing we have noticed that the issue occurs when the frequency changes from 5ghz to 2.4ghz.

As we roam around the office I can see the laptop handing off to other APs, however when the issue occurs handoff occurs and the frequency changes from 5 to 2.4ghz.

If I fix the frequency at either 5ghz or 2.4ghz the issue doesnt occur.


Has anyone seen anything like this? Im trying to work out if this is a driver / issue on the endpoint or a Meraki issue?

Im leaning toward an endpoint issue.

Getting noticed

For anyone interested this was a driver issue. After lengthy discussions they released an updated Driver which addressed the issue

New here

Can you share the driver and version number that fixed your issue?   I'm having a similar issue.

Here to help

We have a few older Surface Pros and they are a bear with the Meraki MRs.  We had to update the firmware, and download the newest drivers and install manually outside of Windows Update. All the while our HP laptops and iphones were humming along perfectly.


In our environment we had to disable WPA3 transition mode, turned off Client Balancing, and made some changes to the RXSOP settings to get them to properly roam.  We have a large open warehouse space though.

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