We were having issues passing PCI scans due to Meraki Client VPN.. After several call Meraki Support change the Client VPN Encryption to more stringent requirements (AES128 encryption with DH group 14 - Required by PCI-DSS 3.2). Now had to update all my end points to use this new encryption standard and configure the Meraki Client VPN... I was able to cerate a small PowerShell Script to automate this process for me and set all the settings needed. $ServerAddress = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
$ConnectionName = "Meraki Client VPN"
$PresharedKey = "A Password"
Add-VpnConnection -Name "$ConnectionName" -ServerAddress "$ServerAddress" -TunnelType L2tp -L2tpPsk "$PresharedKey" -AuthenticationMethod PAP -Force
Start-Sleep -m 100
New-NetIPsecMainModeCryptoProposal -Encryption AESGCM128 -Hash SHA1 -KeyExchange DH14
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