I'm trying to create a custom Config Template Webhook Payload Template. I'm sending the following body to: POST {{meraki_url}}/networks/{{meraki_configTemplate_id}}/webhooks/payloadTemplates ...but am getting "403 Forbidden". Sending bad body content results in 400, so I think that what I have below is OK. Questions: Is it OK to add a custom Config Template Webhook Payload Template to a Config Template? OK, so what am I doing wrong?! Body: { "name": "AlertMagic", "headers": "{\n \"Authorization\": \"Bearer {{sharedSecret}}\"\n}", "body": "{\n \"sourceSystem\": \"meraki\",\n \"alertData\": {{ alertData | jsonify }},\n \"alertId\": \"{{alertId}}\",\n \"alertLevel\": \"{{alertLevel}}\",\n \"alertType\": \"{{alertType}}\",\n \"alertTypeId\": \"{{alertTypeId}}\",\n \"deviceMac\": \"{{deviceMac}}\",\n \"deviceModel\": \"{{deviceModel}}\",\n \"deviceName\": \"{{deviceName}}\",\n \"deviceSerial\": \"{{deviceSerial}}\",\n \"deviceTags\": {{deviceTags | jsonify }},\n \"deviceUrl\": \"{{deviceUrl}}\",\n \"networkId\": \"\",\n \"networkName\": \"{{networkName}}\",\n \"networkTags\": {{networkTags | jsonify }},\n \"networkUrl\": \"{{networkUrl}}\",\n \"occurredAt\": \"{{occurredAt}}\",\n \"organizationId\": \"{{organizationId}}\",\n \"organizationName\": \"{{organizationName}}\",\n \"organizationUrl\": \"{{organizationUrl}}\",\n \"sentAt\": \"{{sentAt}}\",\n \"version\": \"{{version}}\"\n}" }
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