I found the Support case you opened and looked at the linked Org.
You have 3 SSIDs. Generic names used here.
staff using a /23 subnet
student using a /20 subnet
guest using a /23 subnet
Side note the config for the staff SSID VLAN tag doesn't make sense or it's an expired config. It points to a tag to use VLAN 10, but no AP has that tag. So it follows the default tag of 50. Not an issue, but a confusing config if an admin looks at it and thinks it's putting clients on VLAN 10.
While you're not running out of IPs you're possibly hitting limits of the MX250 upstream. A MX250 is recommended for use with jp to 2,000 clients per the MX Sizing Guide. I've seen plenty of instances in which DHCP and bandwidth is not exhausted on a MX, but far more clients than it's rated for are connected through the MX and flow capacity is being exhausted (traffic dropped). To verify that I would call into Support during your busiest time of the day/highest number of clients connected and have them check the flow count of the MX.
When your clients don't work what are the exact symptoms? Do they still show as connected to Wi-Fi, have an IP if you check settings, but just can't get to the internet? Or, are they actually disconnecting, looking for another SSID or AP to join?