We've been working on an issue with support where a certain SSID would not be broadcast. It was a teleworker VPN SSID. After much troubleshooting, it was determined that if a teleworker VPN has an intermittent connection with the concentrator, it will NOT broadcast the associated SSID. This is NOT displayed anywhere in the dashboard, either by UI or by any kind of error event entry. The only way to verify this behavior is with a packet capture to look at the beacon frames being broadcast (or lack thereof). Support applied a backend patch to address this particular issue (also not available via normal firmware updates).
However, we happened to have an employee staying at one of our locations and reporting that the guest WiFi network was not available. We looked at the AP in question, and it shows broadcasting. Upon doing a packet capture, we again noticed no beacons, just malformed packets. A reboot of the AP does not resolve the issue. This is not using a teleworker VPN, just the straight internal Meraki DHCP option.
If you've had users complaining about WiFi not showing up or weak signal and written it off as user error, you might want to do a packet capture to see if the SSID is actually transmitting, as the dashboard UI does not seem to reflect if it actually is. Pay particular attention if you are using a teleworker VPN/concentrator as well.
Take a look at the screenshots. One shows the correct operation - beacons being broadcast for all appropriate SSIDs. The second one shows no beacons, just bad packets. The second SSID shows in the dashboard as functioning normally, and there are no error logs or event logs we can ascertain.
Has anybody else seen this behavior? Running 30.5. The hotfix applied by support was to the MX, not the MR.

BHC Resorts IT Department