Rogue Reporting- need an API (or suggestions)

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Rogue Reporting- need an API (or suggestions)

Hi, I see these API details for Air Marshall:
APIs available listed below.

I need a way to report on the different networks across the org, so:
1- They have a list and can begin categorizing
2- We can run regular reports to share data and tack progress.

-Any way this can be accomplished now?

APIs Here:

Create Network Wireless Air Marshal RuleAPI

Update Network Wireless Air Marshal RuleAPI

Get Organization Wireless Air Marshal RulesAPI

Update Network Wireless Air Marshal SettingsAPI

Get Organization Wireless Air Marshal Settings By NetworkAPI

Much Thanks.

2 Replies 2
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

I think this might be the endpoint you need:   this is a per-Network call.

Getting noticed

Thank you! Will dig on this.

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