Catalyst Cloud monitoring of 9800 WLC

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Catalyst Cloud monitoring of 9800 WLC

Good day,


Does anybody use the cloud monitoring of the Catalyst 9800 Controllers?

Our company uses this for a few month already. We have some positives and negatives about it. I'll list them below.



  • Monitoring of Catalyst AP's in the Meraki Dashboard
  • Ability to create Floorplans with those AP's (For us eliminates the need for Cisco Prime / Catalyst Center
  • Wireless statistics of clients connected and AP's
  • You can use the API te do some management tasks like assigning addresses, floorplans



  • MR APs and Catalyst managed AP's can't be in the same network
  • A network can only be associated to 1 WLC. Even if you remove all old AP's from a network you can't associate it to another network.
  • When AP's move to a different controller the AP's are added to the default site and when moved back to the original controller they are moved to that default network again. Not all network info is retained (Network , Floorplans.


Especially the last 2 are annoying because we have a dual datacenter backup with both an HA Cluster of controllers. We would like to have the freedom to move the AP's to a different controller wile retaining the correct network and floorplan.


How do you see that an does anybody know if there are any additions made in the future?


1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal

I believe you are using HA N+1 correctly?

The best option would be to use SSO. Other than that, what you are experiencing makes perfect sense with HA N+1.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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