Thank you. The problem with MACOS is that, based on my understanding, no matter the overlapping, the client can "get stuck" within an area of let's say -72dB to -73dBm. I experienced this case below, where I was not able to roam, unless I disassociate / associate. Turn Wireless OFF / ON doesn't fix the problem.
Consider this threshold in view of the signal overlap between your wireless cells. macOS maintains a connection until the -75 dBm threshold, but 5 GHz cells are designed with a -67 dBm overlap.

I was hoping to fix this with RX-SOP - Cisco Marketing advertisement worked for me 😁, but thank you for the update. Based on your feedback and the more I read about this feature the more I am convinced that this is not the way to move forward, but it could help with other things you mentioned, like other AP interference.