New Cisco meraki Access points Issue

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New Cisco meraki Access points Issue

Hello Everyone,

I have cisco meraki model CW9164I wi-fi 6E Access points, now i want to configure but they do not provide signal, The Dhcp give him the ip but not accessing through this ip on web portal.

Then i try on consol after accessing through consol, the port is up and assign ip of the same lan network range but it generat the logs of the port is up and then shows down.


Now please someone suggest me what will i do now to provide signal or access through web portal. Thanks

3 Replies 3
A model citizen

Check out this starting guide:


Anyway in your case, make sure that from the IP of the AP the Meraki Cloud access is provides as needed.

See for that this link:

Which means, if there is a Firewall on the way, open the needed ports to the meraki ip's.



Hope this helps



Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

CW9164i is a dual mode Access Point, and can be in either Cisco Persona or Meraki Persona. How are you trying to add your AP? To the Meraki Dashboard? In that case, have you ensured that the AP is in Meraki Persona? You can order the same AP in different modes, so make sure it's in the right persona for the correct deployment.

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Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hello @USER4. As @rhbirkelund has noted, we're going to need some more information in order to help with the issue you're experiencing. Alternatively, you can reach out to Meraki Support and open a case and one of our engineers can assist you. I am including a link to the installation guide for reference.

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