Monitoring MR´s with Nagios

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Monitoring MR´s with Nagios


we are triying to include MR34 & MR32 in our Nagios Monitoring Platform but not has been possible to obtain more information that name, location, and description of configuration, not traffic information, number of user connected, used resources, etc

MIBs that we are using are : SNMPv2-MIB . and IF-MIB .

Someone has some experience with Nagios & Meraki ???

Best regards,


1 Accepted Solution
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Monitoring Meraki kit via SNMP is very painful.  Give up now before you loose another day of time and get even more frustrated.

View solution in original post

4 Replies 4
Meraki Alumni (Retired)
Meraki Alumni (Retired)

@CGL That is the latest MIB information we have. Monitoring via SNMP with any vendors tool will be very basic and not include the additional information your seeking.


If you invested in the MX product line you would be able to pull netflow statistics that can provide some of that information your looking for.

Comes here often

hello DCooper, thanks for your reply.
It´s not a easy task monitoring meraki out of the mereki portal.
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Monitoring Meraki kit via SNMP is very painful.  Give up now before you loose another day of time and get even more frustrated.

Comes here often

Hello PhilipDAth,
Thank you very much for your great advice.
I will forget this nightmare!
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