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I have a problem with one MERAKI MR33-HW.


I got a MR-33HW from a friend who bought it from a wholesaler.
He created a network. When I recovered the terminal, we "unclaimed" the product on its network.
However, when I want to enter the serial number in the network that I want to create, I am told that the AP is "claimed".
Do you have a solution ?

3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal

He needs to ask to who sold it to unclain from the existing organization. An advice, Meraki support is not authorized to unclain it for you, so don't ask for Meraki support.



Unclaiming Devices
  • Navigate to the Organization > Inventory page.
  • Check the box for the device(s) to unclaim.
  • Click Unclaim.
  • The device(s) will disappear from the list.
I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

If I understand you, you did unclaim that AP using it's serial number, before you tried to claim it?   If so - you probably just didn't leave enough time between unclaiming it in the old Organization and claiming in the new one.   It can take several minutes for the necessary database synchronization to happen.   This is called out in the documentation, where it actually states 60 minutes.   In my experience it's usually 10 - 15.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I can back up @GreenMan on this one - as I have also been caught trying to unclaim/claim too quickly.  If you go and try and claim it again now it will probably work.


If it doesn't work, then it hasn't been removed from the inventory of the original organisation (you can't just remove it from the network it was in - you have to remove it from inventory as well).

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