Geeting tons of DHCP server rejection error messages

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Geeting tons of DHCP server rejection error messages

I have a MX67 and then 2 MR36 and I have a pair of separate networks for things to connect to. On both of them, I am getting this error message for every client. Client made a request to the DHCP server, but the DHCP server rejected the client's request.


I have done the factory reset on everything and I still getting this error. The devices (iPhones, iPads, etc.) will not reconnect back to the network until we retype in the password, even though it is a under the saved settings. Everything has been updated to the latest software. I did a Network Settings reset on the phones and still have issues. It seems like I can get connected to one of the MR36, but as a short time or if they roam and connect to another one and then roam back, I start getting these messages.


I do not know what could be causing this. I have called support and they have been having me try a whole bunch of things, but so far nothing has worked. I am hoping someone out there can help me with this as its getting frustrating having spent lots of money on these devices but they aren't working.

10 Replies 10
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

This setup worked fine before?

Who is the dhcp server? Mx?

On which firmware is the mx?


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Yes, it worked great for the couple of years. Now all of a sudden, it has stopped working and has been giving me tons of issues.


The MX is the DCHP server. Running MX 18.107.6 and MR 29.5.1. I had MR 29.7.1 and support suggested I roll it back. That still didn't resolve the issue.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

What does the MX event log say?  Loock for DHCP events.


Perhaps the DHCP scope is full.

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The DCHP scope isn't full. I created separate VLANs to rule that out.


Here is a screenshot of the errors for the past 30 minute.Screenshot 2023-11-05 at 12.26.20 PM.png

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Did you ever find the answer? I have the same issue.

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No. I rolled back the firmware. That didn't help. I updated the firmware. Still didn't help. I turned off 802.11r under the SSID. That seemed to help some. It's not quite as bad but still have issues.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi @JLHSolutions 


I am assuming the issue is only happening when users try to connect wirelessly, correct?


If you navigate to Network-wide > Monitor > Clients, and review a client who has been seen getting these errors, are you seeing any other strange behaviors? Poor SNR or slow time-to-connect? Quickly roaming to other access points in a short period of time?

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wired too. But yes on the other stuff.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hey @BingBongNoise 


It would be worth reviewing and seeing if all your wireless clients are having DHCP issues, or only some are having DHCP issues. If only some are having DHCP issues, then it would next be good to determine if it's only the ones with those poor initial connection stats. 


If it does start to look like poor connection quality may be a contributing factor, then it would be worth it to review your RF Profile settings by navigating to Wireless > Configure > Radio Settings > RF Profiles > [Edit Profile]. I would advise giving the Meraki Support queue a call when you do this so we can help advise if the RF profiles look like they may be noticeably improved or not. RF Profile settings are generally site specific, but gross misconfiguration does occasionally happen. 



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They connect quick to the WAPs, but then don't get the IP address. It shows them as connected but no internet.

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