@ZeeBoussaid did you get this resolved ? We are also experiencing issues with our MR33 and MR42 but not our MR36 that sound similar to yours. A number of our iPads can connect to the network but at random times normally after being unlocked from sleep they will display as connected but show as having no internet access.
Although our devices show as having an IP address we are getting the same "5441 Endpoint started new session while the packet of previous session is being processed. Dropping new session." in the ISE
We also have noticed that we get a "unexpectedly disassociated, but the client had a successful connection to <SSID> SSID 802.11 REASON (CODE 34) Missing Acknowledgements" within Clint Timeline, not sure if you get this ?
We have had a call in with support for few weeks now but haven't got to the bottom of he issue .