I am not sure if i get you correctly above is my interfaces
I am using Ethernet 1/1, and Ethernet 1/2 as WAN interface
And rest of the ports i need to use them to connect my 3 switches as a stunk on VLAN 1 and create DHCP for all the uses, and allow other VLANs and then connect my Meraki MR33 to the switches for the staff SSID will get the VLAN DHCP and Guest ssid will use another VLAN 10 with its own DHCP from the FP 1010 similar to the Meraki
If i removed the bridge then i need to configure the same VLAN's on all the ports which is not possible
So how can add the all Ethernet ports on one group and start assign VLANs on them simialr to the Mx74
Sorry but this is my 1st experience with FP if you can help will be really appreciated