AP Down Alerts

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AP Down Alerts

Do we have any option in Meraki dash board- If the AP goes down it should send a e-mail Alert

7 Replies 7
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Kind of a big deal
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I've configured this, but not getting the alerts. I'm specifically looking for IF AP goes down.I do not see that option on alerts

A model citizen

Network Wide--> Alerts -->  scroll down to Wireless.

By default only admins are alerted if you enable the feature. Here you can add additional emails as shown below or webhooks etc...  Gateway is the AP,  perhaps that's the source of confusion....




Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@AJU Yes there is an option as mentioned and it works well.

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Yes.I get alerts now. Is there an option to get the name of the AP as well . The alert it shows just AP down. Is it possible to get the alerts with AP name?

A model citizen

Yes, with a webhook.


MDB natively supports many differing webhook formats. Slack, WebEx, MS Teams, Service Now..





Once its set up you simply enter the webhook into the default or specific notification field.




Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

You should get the AP name like this in the body of the email:


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