AI-RRM - a first view

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

AI-RRM - a first view

I've been playing with the new AI-RRM feature in my home lab and it does seem to have some potentially useful information:




Looking at the 2.4GHz band you can see from the RF Health score of 75 that 3/4 of the APs are good and one is not.  One AP also has a high co channel interference.  In the table below the RF scores of the APs show that the Hallway AP is the one in trouble as it scores 0.  You will see from another post of mine that this is the same AP that is all confused about it's 6GHz band, here it looks like the 2.4GHz is also a bit wonky as the only other AP on the same channel is 40m away and through several brick walls!  The documentation AI-RRM - Cisco Meraki Documentation is quite detailed, but I don't know why the Garage AP only has 67 when the others have 99...


Anyone else experimented with AI-RRM yet?


6 Replies 6
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

A few minutes later the Garage AP has dropped from 67 to 56 and the total has dropped from 75 to 43!



Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

What happens if you enable FRA ? Does the score go up ?


I have played with AI-RRM and FRA for a couple months and it is pretty neat !

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

It is enabled, but only for about an hour, I'll take another look tomorrow as I'd expect one of the 2.4GHz radios to be disabled...

Kind of a big deal

It looks cool.


But what is the big difference (from a pure RF perspective) from the "old" Auto-RF that also utilize "AI" and AI-RRM ?

I mean, you do get the nicer and better insight into whats going on in the dashboard (and it looks really nice), and you do get dynamic FRA.


But the two solutions utilize the same ML right ?

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I'm not sure really, hence wanting to experiment with it.  Perhaps the ML has been turned up to 11..? 😈


The tuning on 2.4GHz has worked, the Hallway AP is now on channel 11 and is up to 76 health (from 0) and the Garage AP that was on the same channel has increased to 79.  The FRA obviously decided it didn't need to disable a radio.

Kind of a big deal

I will also be monitoring and trying to figure out whats going on .... but a part of me has this nagging feeling, that someone realised that they where "giving away" a feature in the Meraki ENT license, that was in the Cisco Classic ADV license ... we cant have that 🙂


To me RRM has always been a Cisco selling point, and I have always felt that moving AI/ML RRM to the ADV license in Cisco Classic was a big mistake (because its "default" in some of those other "competitive companies" solutions, as far as I know).


Im all for having advanced features like SGT, VRF, VXLAN, Umbrella and so on in ADV licenses, because all those are / can be "special cases" for advanced networks.

But I see AI-RRM as a basic feature, because it suits every network / IT departments very well.

And that AI/ML model still needs all kinds of networks to be trained on, in order to be better, so the more networks get the feature (aka. it should be a ENT feature), the larger dataset it can be trained on, the better the solution / product ?

Or am I the only one that thinks this way ?


PS: LOL , I just saw that the MR-ADV license now includes 2xMT licenses, I have somehow missed that.

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