9164 reserving 47.2 Watts of POE on a 9300L switch

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9164 reserving 47.2 Watts of POE on a 9300L switch

In a CW9164 Proof of concept the 9164 APs are reserving 47.2 Watts of POE from the 9300L MGIG Switch that they are connected to. As per the data sheet with the USB turned off they should only be reserving 25 Watts. Is there an explanation for the larger POE reservation?

2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal

Probably it's a bug. I suggest you to open a support case.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Do the same check with LLDP enabled on the switch if you are not already using it. We had PoE isues with the CW9164s when running CDP only, all sorted once LLDP was enabled and AP restarted and power re-negotiated via LLDP

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