There was a new beta switch firmware release last week, the release notes are below:
However on an MS220-8P I have, the port that connects to an MR55 running 26.7 downgraded to 100Mb with the warning below, so I downgraded the switch to 12.9 and it is back at 1Gb.

- MS210/225/250 switches cannot forward IPv6 Router Advertisement and Neighbor Solicitation packets when flood unknown multicast is disabled (has always been true)
- Support for MS390 Series Switches
- Loop Detection on MS210/225/250/350/355/410/420/425/450 series switches
- MAC Flap Detection on MS210/225/250/350/355/410/420/425/450 series switches
- MS390 Local Status Page identifies ports on other stack members by name instead of MAC address
Bug fixes
- Cable test results can reference the wrong port number on certain 48 port SKUs
- Switches can go offline unexpectedly in a topology where a physical loop exists that is segmented by port VLAN configuration
- MS390 series switches can inaccurately report per-port client data
Known issues
- Port authentication can fail on non-stacked MS120/125/210/225/250/350/355/410/420/425/450 series switches
- MS390 series switches Max MTU is limited to 9198 bytes
- MS390 series switches will not display packet details in the DHCP Servers page
- MS390 series switches do not support the 'next-server' or 'bootfile' parameters in DHCP messages
- Rebooting a single switch in an MS390 stack will reboot the entire stack
- LLDP frames from MS390 series switches will use a single system name instead of the Dashboard given name
- MS390 series switches will not display the advertising router ID for OSPF
- MS390 series switches with OSPF enabled will default to an IP MTU of 1500 bytes on every OSPF enabled interface
- MS390 series switches do not support the multicast routing livetool
- Stacked MS390 series switches do not report traffic/client analytics correctly in all cases
- MS390 series switches do not support tagged traffic bypass for voice on ports with a Multi-Auth access policy
- Dynamic VLAN assignment from a RADIUS server on MS390 series switches must already be an allowed VLAN on the port for it to function
- MS390 series switches may not display link state on links at mGig speeds (2.5G, 5G)
- MS390 series switches do not currently support the following features: VRRP, SM Sentry, Syslog server, SNMP, Traceroute, IPv6 connectivity to dashboard, Meraki Auth, URL Redirection, MAC Whitelisting, RADIUS Testing, RADIUS Accounting, RADIUS CoA, QoS, Power Supply State, PoE power status/usage, Loop Detection, UDLD, MAC Flap Detection
- ARP entry on L3 switch can expire despite still being in use (predates MS 10.x)
- SM Sentry does not support Windows based clients (predates MS 10.x)
- MS425 series switches do not forward frames larger than 9416 bytes (predates MS 10.x)
- MS350-24X and MS355 series switches do not negotiate UPoE over LLDP correctly (predates MS 10.x)
- Various performance and stability improvements
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