Noob question - Upgrading to a MS250 for all layer 3 switching.

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Noob question - Upgrading to a MS250 for all layer 3 switching.

Hi All,


Real apologies for such a noob question, but here goes.... in our small office environment we have a very old Catalyst 3560 acting as a layer 3 core switch with a few SVI's set up for each subnet (doing all our inter-vlan'ing) and some static routes. This is directly connected to our firewall. We've recently been slowly upgrading everything below the 3560 with our new MS250 and MS225's switches in layer 2 distribution/access setup in preparation. The plan over one weekend is to unplug the old 3560 and to make the MS250 as the new layer 3 core switch replicating all rules etc from the old switch.....


Silly question time... how am i supposed to configure the MS250 as a layer 3 creating the same settings once we've unplugged the 3560, can i still get onto the cloud and configure the 250 if i statically assign the management IP in the same subnet as the firewall and connect the old wired connection into the new switch? Once I'm on the switch with all the settings at my disposal i should be ok, its just that first initial bit. I've looked at the local settings page ( but this seems restricted to just a small subset of options.


Hope that makes sense. 🙃

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi @Closey1200 , as you say, connect the new switch onto the network with an IP in your management subnet.  Then during the outage window migrate a VLAN or service at a time.  If the management subnet has continuous Internet access then you’re good.

Darren OConnor |

I'm not an employee of Cisco/Meraki. My posts are based on Meraki best practice and what has worked for me in the field.
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