Regarding the pcap:
- I would recommend you to download the pcap instead of looking at it on the dashboard.
+ Inside the pcap, take a loot at the DNS traffic and ensure it has the proper Src:Dst MAC, IP and VLAN.
Regarding the "Bad IP assignment configuration":
- This can be addressed in the same pcap as well, verifying Src:Dst MAC, IP and VLAN of the packets
- Since the device is getting IP from DHCP, ensure you do not have any static IP assignment. If there is a discrepancy, you will have that message. The pcaps can show the discrepancy as well.
Your best choice to find the solution is having a pcap in the upstream port and check the traffic from the device.
99% of these problems come from configuration of the static IP assignment, and VLAN.
You can try as well changing the DNS to google and check if the issue persists.