Good morning you lovely people. i'm getting knowhere with a customers query and unfortunately the Meraki AM involved is down an SE and unable to help.
Customer has a number of Cat 9300's running as their core across a number of schools. These are currently in Monitored mode within the Meraki dashboard.
They wish to move to Managed mode but the documentation is vague when it comes to licensing. They have a 5 year DNA advantage licence but no support contract in place.
Is anyone able to confirm if they would be entitled to a Meraki licence for their 9300’s if they just have a DNA-Advantage license under the below mentioned promotion?
We were sent this snippet of information which is confusing. Is that we don't require a licence until the software reaches GA "or" once the 30 day grace period expires?
"Migration is still in public preview; the associated Meraki license will be required when the software reaches GA after a 30-day grace period. At that time, you can either migrate an existing DNA license via the qualified promotion form or buy a new Meraki license (same SKUs as -M license). So for now, you will be getting it for free"

Darren OConnor |
I'm not an employee of Cisco/Meraki. My posts are based on Meraki best practice and what has worked for me in the field.